Friday, September 20, 2013

Web Log #1254

Web Log #1254

Hmmm who blogs anymore?
Is it too passe? (insert line in a right diagonal fashion above e "é")
Who cares about anyone's opinion anyway...

Well obviously by me writing this blog it means that i don't care about your opinion, but do you care about mine?

You obviously must, and how can i know this for sure you ask?
Well you just told me and 300 of your Facebook/Twitter friends:

-That you're doing your homework.
-That you and your boyfriend are madly in love.
- That as much as you love your boyfriend, you do get in fights, and choose to subliminally use song lyrics to express yourself.
-That you know the lyrics very well to newly released songs.
-That you and your boyfriend/friends don't know how to text, so instead you tweet each other, so the rest of the world could know about how fun your lives are.

(I bolded/italicized the ones i love (hate*) the most, mainly because italicizing letters is mental)

Look some of this is fine, especially if you've somehow put a witty spin to it, but if the bulk of your social networking is to socialize about nonsense then please consider that you have horrible social (networking) skills. (

So if your answer to my previous question was, "No Joseph, I will not take off my clothes". Then you obviously misread the question, let me re-state it.

Do you care about other peoples' opinion? (WOOOO!! ITALICIZATIONNNN)

So if you're answering "no" to this, yet you fit under the category of people mentioned above then you obviously *haven't understood* (or) *have misunderstood* (whichever you prefer) the point of this rant.

Look in the end I don't care about your opinion, just as much as you don't care about mine, and if you've read this far thanks, i guess.
Basically the simplification of this rant is as follows.

Let x= Me not caring about your opinion.
Let y= You not caring about my opinion.
Let z= The general public agreeing with me.

X>Y<Z (x is greater than y which is less than z).

so basically (Y)ou are the problem.