Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Under the Radar...

Hey anal beads (cuz that’s what you are to me, I stick you in and around my asshole and you really get you to smell the stench of a great minds asshole- im sorry, I was really excited to blog today) The time passed by slow today, I missed the virtual world. Quite a funny story I have for you today, a TRUE one it was, and I shall tell you about it.
                As the sun lurked in from beyond a cloud, I felt the heat of a thousand angels upon my skin, with my fresh new vision (I got new contact lenses – fun fact) I saw the air, that’s right I literally saw the air, it might have been the LSD kicking in, but I did. And as I walked along the long and winding road (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cUaO1P2mfo) I ran into an anonymous human who I will not name, but for the sake of the story I will call it (I say IT because I don’t want to disclose the gender) HUMAN. It is unfortunate, but when you see someone, out of the kindness of your heart, you MUST make small talk, and as we spoke, IT spoke of my blog and how they found it funny, and gave me positive reviews. And as HUMAN walked away, I thought to myself, thoughts of a new blog post…

                What is it with under the radar social networking… Is it not a little weird? And what I mean by this is people knowing my information over the internet, but taking it in and not commenting or really notifying me of their presence into my life. I will admit that when I go on facebook I do look at my news feed, and I too run into information that may, or may not be useless, such as:
1)      OMG pictures of my baby, yayyyy!
2)      Jane just checked into The Vagina Inn
3)      Kyle wants to know if anyone is selling a book for Accounting…

Now im not saying you’re all losers for going on facebook and writing this, but all im saying is that beware, because people look at your facebook and though most know what to put, and what not to put on facebook, we still end up with a few who literally bring the facebook community into their lives, and that can be a little weird…
This is why I no longer really use facebook, i feel like other then watering my virtual plants, and managing my virtual restaurant, it really has no use...  instead I abuse of Twitter ;) and this will be my plug for them (hopefully I can get a nice endorsement contract of $2 million for doing this) but you should all check it out, instead of bringing people into my life with pictures and factual events, I bring them into my thought process, in 140 characters or less…check me out on twitter @joecriv

This has been life through Joe, and this blog has been Crivello approved ©

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