Saturday, May 14, 2011

Nike, Do You

           Just last week I finished my research paper concerning endorsements and its correlation with sports, but you motherfuckers don’t get the privilege for me to waste another 4 week’s worth of  mental energy (more like 2 days of non-stop work, but hey I already blogged about procrastination)…

 I was just watching TV and wanted to hang myself, not because I’m feeling suicidal, but because it feels like every time I start to get interested in a television show I get the ultimate TV-block (kind of like a cock-block) and a god damn commercial comes on… Now look, I get that television channels gotta get some of that YMCMB (Young.Money.Cash.Money.Bosnia – which is no longer affiliated with Montenegro), but I can’t stand commercials, and for those of you who can’t relate to me I have something sad to teach you about yourself… YOU’RE AN IDIOT… because as I watch TV I usually (I do occasionally become an idiot like you too) pay attention to each commercial and I see how gay it is. Listen, just because I see Lionel Messi and David Villa, running around with the newest pairs of Nike’s and they are literally going the speed of light (which is impossible for you dumbasses out there, yea I’m talking to you… no don’t go on reading and think this isn’t you…ITS YOU!) it does not mean I will absolutely buy them, Take the information with a grain of salt –or paprika.

Thankfully for large companies out there, we are dumb and don’t think for ourselves, we make big corporations, celebrities, politicians, and some of us even make friends make the decisions for us, but we have to adapt a confidence in ourselves at all times, not even I’m perfect, we all have our slip ups, but in the end, do you…
I’m sorry that last paragraph seemed a little too serious, maybe this’ll help…

Later gator

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